Article by; Refilwe Sefiwa
Launchit International Staff Writer
In today’s world, there are so many opportunities one could utilise to familiarise themselves about the business world from the comfort of their homes or even while walking.
There are thousands of people worldwide who share broad content about how to start a business, how to manage it and even about the leadership skills which I have learned over the years that they are of great necessity any entrepreneur.

Top universities have taken up the challenge to offer free online classes which is such a great gesture that our team at Launchit International and the rest of our community highly commend. Imagine you have a killer business idea, but you don’t know where to start. The best answer to the question is learning. Sir Francis Bacon once said, “scientia potentia est”, great Latino words which means; ‘knowledge is power’. The more you learn; the more you gain insights to feed your business idea.

The excitement and anticipation as we waited to see the next piece of unpredictable chaos was electric. These straps are all hand-made from our two good friends in Saigon, who are leather-makers, singers, and entrepreneurs. Also remember that money spent on traveling and experiences is always a better investment than buying new gear (if you don’t need it).
Knowledge is Power …Sir Francis Bacon
There are a few questions that one can ask themselves when starting an online course.
- Firstly, what course do I need to study?
As a businessperson, it is highly crucial that you adopt the habit of writing down your plans. “Why?” you might wonder, in our experience at Launchit, the more the entrepreneurs pens down their plans for their businesses, the more they realize how much they need to learn to become better entrepreneurs who are fit to run such businesses. Writing down your plans is not just an ancient habit of great people; it is also a rare opportunity to reflect on where you need to grow. And when you have seen your growth points, then you can know the type of knowledge and information that you need to acquire. One may be the whole ‘pitch deck’, another may be ‘business model canvas’, others ‘creating a profitable and sustainable revenue model’, etc. Know your area of growth.
1. Secondly, how is it going to benefit me and my business?
Value is the life and blood of entrepreneurship. Our attempt to gain any form of knowledge is to increase value, either to ourselves as entrepreneurs, or to our enterprises. As per the first question, it is important to measure and quantify the value that learning such information and knowledge from these courses will bring to you and your business. If you can’t point out the value in that knowledge, dig deep to find purpose and meaning in the value that you want to add to yourself and your business. The other benefit of knowing the value you want to gain, it helps you choose the right platforms which can give you the value that you want, since the internet is full of many platforms of learning. Look at your personality, the value you want, the vision you have, the resources you have, and choose your learning platform.
2. Thirdly, how long should I study the course?
Depending on the value that you want to gain, the duration of the course is very important. You are an entrepreneur; you have a business to run. In as much as you need to spend time learning, you also need enough time to focus on your business. Entrepreneurs runs different types of businesses, some businesses need you to be hands on daily, while others can give you a break during frequently. Gauge your business, understand your timeframes. Do remember that most platforms allows you to choose the times of learning, this means that you still have the night hours to invest in your learning if you don’t have the time during the day.
3. Lastly, how do I implement what I have learnt?
Action time, the only time that truly excites us at Launchit International. The magic is not in what you have learnt, the magic is in what you do with what you have learnt. Many entrepreneurs learn amazing things on the internet, but they choose not to do anything with what they have learnt. Always remember that the difference between you and your competitors is the size of your knowledge, should your competitor know what you know, they will act on that knowledge that you have been sitting on for years. Act. Implement. Make things happen.
The business world has so many formulas that can either work for you or against you. Writing down and understanding the vision and mission of your business is a good step in the right direction. Clarity of vision is what many entrepreneurs struggle with, therefore only knowledge can set you free. Launchit International takes pleasure in building globally competitive entrepreneurs with investable businesses, a vision that makes us very passionate about your knowledge of how the business world works.
The world is constantly changing, and relevance is everything. Your business needs to be in line with the times. You need to be competitive. Technology has made it easier for you, more especially accessing knowledge and wisdom from entrepreneurs around the world.
- Coursera
- edX
- Khan Academy
- Udemy
- iTunesU Free Courses
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- Stanford Online
- Codecademy
- Open Culture Online Courses
- TED-Ed