Launchit International visits Eswatini
According to the statistics, 79% of the 1.3 million citizens of Eswatini are below the age of 35 years old. The youth makes the larger share of the 28% of people who are unable to find jobs. This presents both an opportunity and a challenge for the government and the entrepreneurship community of Eswatini. Addressing the youth of Eswatini, the CEO of Launchit International Mr. Goitsemang J. Khutsafalo shared insights and motivation with the entrepreneurs, challenging them to rise to the occasion to solve the high youth unemployment rate of Eswatini.
Entrepreneur Malaki Explores Opportunities in Tourism
“Project124 gave us the opportunity to learn how to craft our value proposition, and to validate our market as well as gaining experience on how to pitch to different investors. The network provided by Project124, was a stepping ladder to our sudden success and resilience over the years of our company’s formation.” – Malaki Monyamane (Founder & CEO – The Gabs Experience Travel & Tours)
Didintle Moreki & Organic Skincare
Organic Naturals Skincare is a 100% Female and Citizen owned a Business. We exist to serve a niche consumer care products that are infused with indigenous plants found in Botswana. Manufactured with the understanding of both the African Skin and African Climate we offer an Approved Solution that moisturizes and cleanses, safe to use on skin with no harmful effects to the skin.