The novel corona virus comes at a time where the mental health conversation is building momentum to be an integral part of everyday life.
Researchers are bringing appalling evidence on the mental health negligence of entrepreneurs, but it seems there is no push to address the gap. Our mental health revolves around how we relate with our environment, cope with stress, realization of own abilities, being fruitful and productive. World Health Organization (WHO) says on annual basis $1 trillion is lost on productivity globally in the workplace due to untreated depression and anxiety. Evidence-based interventions are needed to integrate mental health into people’s everyday lives, including those of entrepreneurs.
Amid Covid-19, many state leaders took drastic measures to manage the situation by introducing physical distancing and later instituted a call for lockdown across the globe. It was, and it still is, a huge and brave step for many head of states to lockdown countries to save lives. The disruption of business as usual was inevitable for many industries but the main question is: what is the current mental health status of these industry captains? Research shows that one in four people will experience mental illness in their lives, costing the global economy an estimated $6 trillion by 2030.
The price of psychology that entrepreneurs pay to push up bars is quite expensive to even attach monetary value. Entrepreneurs exist in quite challenging and demanding spaces where there are self-imposed expectations, fiscal risks, low or last reward on build up, betrayals and loyalty issues. Additionally, where the smart can be outsmarted, future expectations are parallel with reality.
Becoming an entrepreneur involves a great amount of emotional tax that leads to the likelihood of being diagnosed with depression and anxiety….Charity Kiki Kennedy (Mental Health Activist)
As disappointment, failure, loss and other challenges hit hard, the likelihood of mental breakdown goes high, which raises the susceptibility for unhealthy coping mechanisms such as excessive use of substance and alcohol. Becoming an entrepreneur involves a great amount of emotional tax that leads to the likelihood of being diagnosed with depression and anxiety.
Amongst the challenges of entrepreneurs, the ground of trading is existing under circumstances that are new to many in our generation and some have seized trading. Some may argue that e- business is the best method for trading, which may be true, but I believe for most e-services there is need for manual automation and the lockdown does not give an opportunity. Therefore, Covid-19 presents itself as a threat to entrepreneurs in many ways, including their mental health.
In a study by Dr Michael Freeman which focused on start-up entrepreneurs, indicated the following but not limited to; they were twice as likely to suffer from depression, three times more likely to suffer from substance abuse, ten times more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder, twice as likely to have a psychiatric hospitalisation, twice as likely to have suicidal thoughts. In reference to the above study, the dangers presented by embarking on a self-reliant journey such as entrepreneurship puts individuals at risk of developing mental illnesses. In hindsight, the current global pandemic places entrepreneurs in a vulnerable position and exposes them to harsh realities that enhance their burdens.
What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.…Glenn Close
In order to capture the true depictions of their suffrage regarding the unexpected Covic-19 wave and the measures taken to reduce its spreading, it would deem necessary to spark conservation with entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, the many years of effort invested into building businesses have been destabilized by Covid-19. This emphasises the need to attend to the mental health of entrepreneurs especially because the global health crisis is far beyond their control. Failure to handle the mental health aspect can subject some of the entrepreneurs to suicide or psychiatric hospitalization among other mental health problems.
Entrepreneurs also need to be aware of their emotional and psychological states regarding adjustment to the current situation the country is facing. This will guide the appraisal of potentially developing situational depression or adjustment disorder that may result from failure to adjust to the changes occurring in their entrepreneurship lives. Psychosomatic illnesses, whereby the mind influences the body to create or complicate an illness, may also occur. The mental health effects are likely to be felt by all entrepreneurs.
As levels of entrepreneurs vary, we need to narrow into the workplace mental health specific to that of entrepreneurs focusing on the staff that exists under their leadership. Compassionate leaders are at the helm of frustration as the projections of cash flow and recovery rate, may require that some staff be laid off or make drastic changes when business resume. The same frustration is worn by the employees. To respond to the insecurities of entrepreneurs and their staff, workplace mental health support is needed in homes to ease anxiety, build trust and feel of understanding in any decision making of the leadership.
Communication between the leaders and employees is vital especially during these hard times. A heartfelt example was recently witnessed on Instagram where I saw and appreciated efforts of a business leader Richard Branson reaching out to his team and customers .The emotional support rendered to employees during the lockdown can help build a better rapport for any uncertainty that is looming, or ignite possibilities of creative imagination that can take the company to a whole new level.
Literature that explores entrepreneurship and mental health, as well as personal experience of civil leaders who are mental health advocates stress that these are times that should raise an alarm for the psychological safety for entrepreneurs for the current and post covid-19 period. The development and exacerbation of mental health problems is aligned with the uncertainty of Covid-19 and the present encountered losses. There is a need for an honest mental health check conversation with oneself as an entrepreneur, associations, and friends to see how to move on during and post covid-19 period.
Below are a few tips to assist during the lockdown.
The lockdown gives us all an opportunity to reflect on the positive aspects of life, connect with oneself and loved ones and celebrate the gift of life. Taking some time off situations beyond our control and connect with yourself spiritually with the help of mentor. Similar to our dependence on family doctors and lawyers, this marks a beginning of obtaining family counsellors or psychologists to assist life planning that is coherent with our emotions and thoughts. Moreover, many of us can commit to developing healthy habits such as nutritious diet, drinking more fluids and exercising. The time explore the online way of doing business is here if one has not started. Always note integration of mental health in our daily lives is golden to sustain a balanced life.
For assistance with any of your mental health needs, Botswana Network for Mental Health is open for online/telephonic counselling /workplace mental health/
Article by: Charity Kiki Kennedy
Mental Health Activist (Botswana Network for Mental Health)
Edited by: Tankiso Marang Reetsang